Oh,shut up. Url.blogspot.com
♥Wednesday, December 2, 2009
someone told me today that when you meet new friends you will forget th old . even gave me an example of a real case senario . really ? is it true ? i dont want it t be true . we'll keep it touch right ? right ? WE WILL . we will . we'll together again right ? right ?

♥Monday, November 30, 2009
whats considered good ?
getting t th best school in th country ? just being able t pass you exams ? being number one in the world for sports ? getting a PHD ?
well , i guess its different for everybody . but whats GOOD ofr me ? i dont even know it myself ..
everybody's saying not bad, not bad. its good what !
but whats th real truth ?
seriously man , can you guys just be honest and not sarcastic !
its getting on my nerves .

♥Sunday, November 29, 2009
this is a damn short post cos this just had to be said
i hbelieve the word studying , is derived from students dying (:

♥Saturday, November 28, 2009
hey !
today was super super fun !
seriously . okay , first had t go for training .
do alot of core training . my stomach muscles ached freaking much after that .
then , afew drills . then we had this circuit thing .
first played street netball . ps , all th players there were tall EXEPT ME !
and charmaine . hahahaha(:
anyways , after that , we need t go do core . but it wasent that tiring so nt so painful .
then u go jumpyjumpy !!
got this trampaline and your supposed t jump on it continuesly for 1 min (:
freaking fun !!!
so i did it a second time , and a third time . and a fourth time (;
then , l8r after training went t have lunch w/ rachel and amanda .
rachel was using her ipod and fluanting it th whole time .
and she wore a ... erm ..ask amanda (: hehe.
and i was laughing th whole time abt it .
so , we went t just asia . this restaurant @ downtown east
th food there wwas freaking nice , ! but amanda's one was nice .
should have ordered her instead of rachel's . but there was free flow of coke and ice cream . so wth yea ?
and we made a COKE FLOAT w/ th free ice cream and drink .
(: super nice . haha . then went back t tm
ps , we took 1h30min t eat !!!!
then went BHG go try clothes . haha ,
but then , i had t go home ):
but so did rachel and amanda so yea.
went home around 3 ++.

♥Friday, November 27, 2009
hey !
wont post much cos currently chatting w/ SEAKIM ! (:
so tomorrow maybe will be going lunch w/ rachel and amanda after training .
hopefully can , cos nxt year wun be seing them too often after this year ):
im gonna miss you guys super much. and more than 3 times a year okay rachel !!!
if not i kill you/
im gonna miss my juniors too .
missing you guys alot alot alot alot !
okay , i gtg now cos eating dinner . so ,

♥Thursday, November 26, 2009
hey guys !
PSLE results are out today. well i dint do as well as expected. amanda rachel and tessa did . well , alot of people were kinda concerned . mostly cousins . aunty , uncle , close friends. even some of my classmated when i was in PAP called also . well the school did well overall . all above national (: so im just gonna post my grades . all A exep for science ... B / so , i think ill be going t SHSS although si tessa is freaking ask me to appeal or she's gonna come knocking on my door early in th morning .__________.

so anyway , went out for after collecting results , then went t buy a laptop (: yay , and its MINE ! be jealous people (: haha just jk(:
so , im gonna watch videos now . (dont think sick)


♥Wednesday, November 25, 2009
hey you guys !
im blogging more frequently now , so you can look forward t more updates (:
anyways , today morning , went t macs w/ mum and dad . ate th hotcakes there for th FIRST time ..
shocking , i know . i usually eat the sausage mc muffin but dont know what made me change
my choice today . i guesse i just got tired of eating it whenever i go t macs for breakfast.
anyways , after that , i waited for tessa at macs for 1h ! go die lar ! still wana wash and dry your hair ! (:
anyways , she came SOOMER OR LATER . then after awhile , when my SUPER BIG breakfast
digested , ate mcwings at macs again ! you tell me ... sian or not?
then while eating , saw renny passing by w/ her bro and i think her bro's friend . haha(:
so after eating , me and tessa got super bored , so decided to do th stupidest thing ever .
we went interchange and took 293 all th way around and back t th interchange ! ha!
act , we wanted t go for another round but chin yee called and said that she reached alr.
so then , went to century square meet fadzlyn aerina and kaiting t watch movie .
watched this korean movie 'my girlfriend's an agent'
super funny like crazaeeeeeeyyyyy man !
th whole theatre was practically lol-ing like crazy !
hahahahahahahaha ! but it had a few parts that were )$^(@*%@
hehe(: anyway , after that went t rooftop of t1 play pepsi cola (: damn funny .
haha, but the fun ended after that cos everyone had t go home. so yea):

so tomorrow going t collect results alr !!!
freaking out here.



♥Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i know i know , i havent been blogging for a damn long time.
okay , so. this post is just gonna be a dedication t ALL my BFF'S ! (:
ill update you guys on whats going on lately in another post(:
so , here goes out to all my bff's (:

firstly , t all my dearest netballers(:

hey guys ,
3 years. 3 years of being together and now we're all going our separate ways. i still remember our last game we played together as shps netball senior team 2009. i'll still rmb every minute of it. maybe one of these days during th hols , we can all regroup together again. so, thursday is coming. results are also coming out. gluk t all you guys(: im gonna miss all of you sooooooo much(: and lastly , no matter what , DO NOT FORGET THAT YOUR AN SHPS NETBALLER ! (:
ps , dun forget me too(: haha jkjk(: ily you guys(:

alisha , siewling , renny , jolene , nicole , johanna , sabrina , sharifah , taninette , nora :
tyty alot for just making me laugh all the time. haha , gonna miss you guys alot too. and , alisha , renny , taninette , ty for being retarded al th time(: really makes me laugh like crazy. and jolene nicole , johanna and siewling , th whole time after psle would be SUPER boring if not for you guys(: ps , the way you guys play stress is super funny(: haha. and nora , sharifah and sabrina, know you guys for the whole 6YEARS i was in st.hilda's (: you guys have been super nice th whole time. wish, we would go to th same secondary school(:

nadya ,
ty for all those talks in the night(: talking bout almost everything. especially err...th two J's (: hehe. gonna miss you super much. but we can still have those late night talks right ? hehe , hopefully we will(:

okay , so those are all i have t say t all my BFFL's (:

♥Friday, October 16, 2009
hey guys! i know i havent been posting for a damn long time. sorry.
so, i have changed to onsugar so here's my new blog(:

relink okays(:

♥Thursday, August 20, 2009
tis guy is so damn freaking irritating!
try act cute only!
your a guy ya'know?
act cute for what
ten temper so bad
little bit ony ten scold ppl!
try act lyk p and d ony
u think everyone lyks you stupid act cool ways
but jus FYI,
everyone is super PISSED OFF w/ it!
got it?
so dun come and give me tt idiotic voice
and jus try and action
im jus being kind not putting your name
up here kay?
so jus stop it!

pheww,, at least my anger is all vented.
havent been posting for long..
PSLE lah eh,
today was eng oral.
shud be able to do well.
but tomorrow is malay!!
wth? i scared i dunno how to say th words in malay!
ten how how how?
sabrina was so kind
told me to relax and jus do my best(:
ily ily.
gluk to all you p6-es frm any sku!
okay jus a short one(:

♥Saturday, August 15, 2009
yo peeps !
ps: why why love rawksssss to th coreeee!
mus mus mus thank jolene haha.
she th one hu introduce th movie to me mah.
:D haha. ty ty alot:D
huo da and huo yan super super super hotttt!
<3 ily ily ily jolene.
nxt time if got any nice shows , mus tell me ah!
haha, i know u will say yes so i thank you in advance:D
haha , but u continuing aftr PSLE!?!?!?
why why why?!?!?! i know u v. guai
haha..if i spell it correctly :D
heee...mus watch mus watch mus watch!
i told aerina ytd to watch but she folding her clothes
ohya ten tok bout some irritating hockey boys,
whatthe,, 360 degree fringe?!
whattttttttttttttt, especially luther eh? suspicious ah!
haha, ignore him nxt time luh kay?
so yea tis jus a short one cos im back to watching why why loveeeeeeee!

♥Thursday, August 13, 2009
guesse havent been blogging for a few days
anyone miss me? haha do tagg yea?(:"
seriously, i've been so busy lately
i havent even been calling rachel tessa and amanda that much.
this sux. so currently, alot of ppl on9(:
YAY! happt that there's not many nerds in is world
studying 24/7
ohya so _____ _______ aint in singapore!
so she's celebreting lyk shit
computer from morning to night
finally ah you, revealing you TRUE DAMN COLOURS
haha, lol
okay, so...hockey boys get first in nationals!
(: congrats top tem lor
pereira sure boast bout it tmr...$100000 bet(:
wth.no need to tok bout mr..jus now alr sms me say tt tey got first
ohkay sth funny:
cos in malay class cikgu elmi was giving out the worksheets tt we did on dunno wen
ten got one nameless
act not nameless... that somebody go and right th day instead of th name on th line
wth! guesse who!...ALISHA!!!!!
gawsh! lol! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
seriously mann,! how can you mistake your name for th day!
right alisha?
lol. today khamis...esol, jumaat pulak!!!
what the hell.
mikhail and danial and me were making fu of her th whole tym in class!
freaking funnae! (((((:
soso, yalah, thats th funny part
haha, so jus now _____ and _____ were talking bout _____
yalah, agree wit _____ whatevr
do whtevr you want..but u may hurt feelings
nayway, today mr nizam and mr ng scared be b4 class
but PE was damn fun.
human fuseball can you believe it? haha
<3 it(:
okay i wana go watch youtube liao..so byeeeeeeeee(:

♥Tuesday, August 11, 2009
my hands are so damn aching right now..
yknow what? mrs lim ask us do compo corrections by re-writing th WHOLE compo
okay, mayb tt not so bad luhh...
but she giv us 3 whole compo and she ask us finish corrections by tomorrow
what thing is tis?
urgh...seriously its lyk oing 3 compo in one day and handing in tomorrow
haiya..nvm lah, wat can do?
hah, lucky jospeh soh nvr come
he's been waiting for th day mrs give out compo for lyk damn long.
and ten now when she gonna gif back , he go dunno where;wth!
kay, then there's this FREAK _______ !
go kick th soccer ball so hard at my leg!
its still painful yknow u ass!
ten there's tis ______ ! wallow eh!
i jus say i wana defend her ten she say she dun wan play n stat emo-ing
okay nrvmind, so me and tessa patched up(: act we din even fight..LAME
hehe(: ten aftr sku got netball photo-shoot according to rac
but mac-ed first wit tessa renny and rac
me and rac( th ones wit money) bot mc wing!
but th one witout money..bot sme beef burger...
who owes me 2 bucks??
huh huh huh?!!! hu hu hu?!!
hehe...tt person know-
ten there's amanda
picking up rubbish, picking up rubbish during recess:D
cos she late for sku mahh..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
okay ten, pereira isaac, he keeps toking bout alisha's tongue!
wth? but serious ,i laughing bout mr lim shirt not youXD
ten training... p3 p4(: p3 is th goodest of th goodest of th goodXD
haha, serious serious(:
ten went bak first at bout 5pm
left rachel there (: she say tey do court work
shud haf stayed lorrr!
but if i stay ten needa use gate 1.___________.
okay thats all luuhh huh(:

♥Monday, August 10, 2009
you say i small thing oso cannot
i was joking wit _____
u dun haf to take it seriously
yknow i was smiling th whole tym i told ____ bout it?
i was jus joking mann, chill
u dun haf to go overboard right?
why so sensitive huh?
u hate me over such a small thing ?
get this clear..
even if i wasent, i u so angry huh?
i oso nvr say anything bout u!
and now ______ thinks its her fault!
its not okay.
she had nth to do wit tis stupid childish fight.
i dun even know y im writing tis..
its a waste of my tym explaining
if u wan to forgive ten forgive.
up to u.
act there nth AT ALL to forgive.
cos nth went wrong.
a small joking matter .. became such a big thing
cos of what?
u know th answer to tt question yrself.

♥Sunday, August 9, 2009
hah! yea! happy birthday singapore!
yea. went to cousins house today
go tution first ten dad cudent come cos involved in th parade
D: S-A-D...
so went there , first thing, my cousin is damn disgusting
he ate mummy and spit it back out in th packet
then i dint know so he ask me if i wan sme
and i took sme stupidly
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH,, salivaaaaaaaa!
wallow eh, ten i started beating him
okay good news: cousin got accepted to st.andrew's jc(:
then dinner was BBQ:D
yay! watch th parade there
oh ya , matthew went to watch liverpool game
meet th players oso:D
go got a pic wif every one of tem:D
ten there was one player look jus lyk him
so they were lyk "bothers" hehe:D
okay, another funny..
cos my cousin's football team got 4th in zone.
so tey take team photo right?
so there was this guy in jeans n shirt
so i was lyk " bus driver ah?"
ten my cousin: NO LAH! COACH!!
i mestaken th coach for the bus driver.
okay , aftr dinner...MARSHMELLOWS:D

my nick aint magessssss!
im gonna kill you
SPECIAL THNX TO SEAKIM for editing th post
ily ily ily!:D
i was too hyper bout th whole thing on msn so she told me to relax!
hahadx,, okay im gonna end it here:D
happy 44th birthday singapore once again:D

♥Friday, August 7, 2009
battlefeild-jordin sparks
be with you-akon
cant get over it mann!!!
its so damn freaking niceeeeeeeee(:
okay today national day. mus weaer red-T
and charmaine dint wear.
cannot fit lahh hor , charmaine?
so then assembly wif p1's n p2's
sing national anthem and pledge so damn loud siaa.
cant believe i used to be lyk tem.
ten national day song oso wanna sing so loud!
ten go back class n move to 4/6 class room!!!!!!!!!!
my BELOVED CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3
haha, ten sing national day song again
ten mr lim show us tis damn funny video,
tey make fun of th ndp theme song.
was realy fun mann. ten matthew wana show off go sing damn loud.
according to sabrina, her clas th whole day do work, damn sian
so ten recorder playing.
and mus oso wright poem, rap , song bout singapore.
i forget ours so i wun post it.:D
ten went back wf tessa. we were....haha nvm:D
ten go home!! no one at home
and i forgotten to bring th keysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
wtfh!!!!!!!!!wallow eh, ten i need to wait outside until my mum cme hme!
OMG OMG OMG! ten i listen music while waiting lorhs.
anyway , yupp thats all:D
no correction , thats all YOU NEED TO KNOW

♥Wednesday, August 5, 2009
i dint blog yst cos seriously was so tired
okay, yst went for th RGS interview
mine was wif tessa and rukhmini(seriously sorry if spell wrong)
so the testers were friendly.
i wasent as scared as i was supposed to be.
then rachel charmaine aly and sabrina togethr aftr us.
so went to RI wif tessa fr awhile
pick up tessa's bro
so we couldent go through th front gate cos of sme reason
so tessa's mum was scolding th guard
ten tessa was lyk
"she's not gonna leave untilo she gets in"
so RI was having a game st.andrew
i dunno wede JC or secondary.
but RI was damn BIG!
cos their sharing wif th JC mahh.
if ony RGS was there
cos its much bigger and esier to get ter
anyway so aftr that went back home
and i tell you i slept ALL THE WAY TILL 8!
i and came back lyk bout 5++
but gt study lahh
i nt tt slack(:
okay off to read ppls blog

♥Monday, August 3, 2009
im so freaking tired right now.
talked to tessa till lyk 12++am.
hehe i was watching bof at th same tym
so i wasent really listening to what she was saying .
then she was lyk SHAK!
anyway were talking bout
_____ and ______
_____ .
gawsh..haha. i know we gossip much yea?
anyways , just a happy b'day to marsya and alisha .
ok , so today _____ really pissed me off.
he damn irritating sia!
go drink frmm my bottle
keep taking my stuff.
he got a freaking prob isit?>
shyt him mann!
go far far away and don't EVER come back!
hate you to th core.
ten say alisha _____
im being kind not to say your name kay?
so jus get lost luhh.
if ou still dunno tt im refering to you ten
your seper freaking dumb
get the hell away frm my life kay!
jus go do your shity things smewhre else!!
okay, wana sleep
im SUPER tired.
will blog l8r

♥Sunday, August 2, 2009
im still in bad mood cos of someone right now.
she just really pissed me off on thursday.
and im sure shes gonna do so on manday
really really really damn pissed.
so currently sms-ing RACHEL and ALY
aly ask me go bugis on tuesday b4 rgs interview.
i wanna go i wanna go.
parents pls allow!!
i v.long nvr go out le.
so im still bored right now cos no ones on9
oso nt gonna msg too much right now
trying to cut down on bills.
so far just sent 25 msg in 3 days.
not bad not bad,
i seriously miss netball days!
now PSLE 's near n tutions here and there
seriously hav no time.
i so dint want this period of tym to come
but what can do?
jus sit down and wait fr it to be over?
thats nt possible in my life.
at least nt in this one.
HAF to study..its lyk
FINALLY im laughing cos rachel told me sth DAMN FUNNY!
ily lotts luhh!
mann, amanda havent wish me gluk yet.
she always does tt every tym i go fr a trial
or exam or interview
lyk this cmg tuesday.
y? cos she is i LOVEDDDD friend n i do th same to her.
but i think that even if i dint
she will stil do th same
seriously ..LOVE her
you know when we wok hme togede
she will send me up th bridge n to my hse??!!
even when her bus-stop
is b4 the bridge.!!
who will do tt sehhh!!
ily ily<3
okay okay
not so much commenting
you oso gt call me cb b4:D
but tts bcos i called u f.
and we were JK!!!:D
unlike som ppls.
jus coll tem syupid n tey start 'crying'
okay thats it
im watching america's got talent:D

♥Friday, July 31, 2009
Add Imageohh shyt,
i cant add pics again!
what the hell is gping on siaaa!
sorry lahh,
i try some other tym yea?

back home!
school lessons hasent been great lately
its all just test papers
and going through them
but what can do?
jus die of boredom
i just cant wait for recess everyday!
its lyk the best part of the whole day
exept for mother tongue(:
ten today mrs lim wan us write a compo on 30min!!
then pereira was lyk "teacher you okay anot"
not scared at ol!
okay , as usual pinwei danial and isaac
haf been smeaking out to the toilet during class again
really pisses me off cos im sitting right next to the back door
and those freakos keep standing roun there waiting fr a chanc
when teacher not looking , then go toilet..

today's supp was cancelled
then amanda called me say she oso no supp
so walked home together
i treated her to mggie mee
but she had to pay 35cents
but she was so kind and shared it wif me!
sth tt rac wun do.
so in exchange , i shared wif her my drink(:
thats what friends are for(:
then sit down near th playgrnd fr awhile
she let me play bounce!
since today im in a good mood n my
blog is back to normal,,
i shall npost pics for you guys!!!!!

♥Wednesday, July 29, 2009

on9 lehh someone!
bored sai BORED!
juniors.. online!!!
gawwdd..nth to do manns
jus a few ppl update blog
but seriousy got nth to do!
if thts th case ten il go watch BOF!
6th tym watching the whole thing all over again!
maybe tomorrow, gonna go down for training for awhile
wif rac and amanda :D
any, can u believe it?
no homework today!!
lyk gawddd...since when did tt stat to happen?
got so used to homework that its shocking when dun hav
normally its all test pprs test pprs n MORE TEST PPRS!
pereira is finally gonna change place!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
oh yea then there's malay class!

mr elmi was in a good mood today so he lets us do grp work
me sharifah nadya alisha:D
so he gave us this word ten we haf to make other words using th letters in tht word
so we at least haf to make 60.
so we make make make ten run out of ideas
so NADYA tot of out !!
GILA lahh u nadya uhh?
serious , we wanna know the word u go ask her
T $ $ $ $
well nadya did
LOL-ing th whole tym !
so FINALLY the health ed project is OVER
jus need to out th ice cream sticks tths ol:D
dana lending us 20!
thanks ily!:D
thyankyou thankyou thankyou!

so walked home wif amanda n tessa
rachel took her mum's car:X

but amanda treat us to maggie mee!!
so its rachel's lost tt she dint come!
help amanda save $ ahh?
you rawkk...(lyk real)
so jus now she was complaining to me abt th whole thing
tht we dint tell her tt we were going to wok togede.
so according to her, its MY fault tt she ding
get treated to cup noodles..!!

okay i dunno why im starting to write long posts ??
maybe coss im boredddddddddddd!
well, im stopping
gonna watch BOF!!!!!!!


♥Tuesday, July 28, 2009
i seriously dunno whats wrong wif ppl.
if they gt sth to say which is not v. good,
cant they just keep it to themselves?
whats they point of spamming?>
what do u gain by it!?
FREAKING ~~~~~~~~1
if they wanna be popular at least put name luhh!
okay enough bout those kind of ppl.
was chatting alot wif ALY lately..
question no.1
who is 3* n stil single>?
ony aly knows!(:
she rawks! n hu is woo-ing hu?
lol until cant lol nemre
funny funny!
so was chatting wif seakim fr awhile jus now
she ask me if i going cedar.
i said mayb ill consider.
see how if rgs call for interview.
tessa is updating th netball blog now.
lyk writing novel eh she?
we were lyk acting retarded on th fon jus now.
ohyea, n my arm is FREAKING pain!!
cos i fell on it yst during th game.
now then feel th pain
cannot strain it...

okay, ~bye(:

♥Monday, July 27, 2009
im hyper today!
let me whiz through th day ten get to th GOOD news yea?
well you DUN hav a choice!LOL
kk, first got piano exam in th morning.
pass luhh huh ..pass
ten bak to sku straight cos gt 3rd/4th play off
she was lyk wheeeeee whoooo haaaaaa
ALY was sms-ing me, she was lyk DAMN HYPER bout today's game
eat lunch...cheong all th way
tenn......H-A-I-R S-P-R-A-Y!!!!
YEA!i did rachel's hair BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!
yea praise chinyee manda n jiahui help me do my hair
LOL! so many ppl!
kk, ten got n EMOTIONAL tok frm mr zam
he ask me y i join netbal ten i was lyk..'accidentally'
mann!whole team laugh

reach alr,
no place to do warm-up
so do right at th top of th seating area
so ten watched th st margs n evergreen 3rd/4th game
st margs won!
ten, was our game.
tight all the way up to th last quarter
KUDOS to stmargs fr giving a tough fight!
so won by 1!!cool mann!
went outside..'PSG'
provided doughnuts, choco , drink ect!
ten lunch-ed by ordering KFC!
zinger! but no student meal D:
as usual, eat th bread first ten th chicken!
ten watched TK n IJ K 1st/2nd playoff
v. close fight!
not gonna go on..

okay ten going home tym ,
in the bus, we were singing ALL the way!!!
well neways, our last game togede ended well:D
really rpud of u SHPS seniors:D
really REALLY proud to wear tht shps netball jersey!
signing off,
ps: rachel n amanda ditched me!

♥Saturday, July 25, 2009
my blog is D-E-A-D
alot of ppl went !
northland, CHIJ tp , CHIJ OLN , junyuan
stmargs, tkp n us! SHPS
tkp omos th whole team went. was surprised
but miss chen dun let us stmargs n tk play
cos she said she seen enough of us n she dun wan us top get injured b4 mon's match
so instead she interveiwd us.
first question BAMM!!
'any of you going sports school?'
lol. ony praise went for the trials
n guesse what?
she confirmed a place in ANGLICAN HIGH!
congats to herrrrrr!
ten ask some more questoions
n they can ony take in 5 players at most out of all th schools!
lost to tkp
lost to chij kellocks
so we playing st margs for 3rd n 4th placing
we jus managed AT LASTTT to take 1 freaking pic
jus oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
the one on top(:
okay thats it!
wish us luck for monday n

♥Sunday, July 19, 2009

i am now chatting to my beloved junior...FADZLYNNNN!
goshh mannss i wana take neos wif my juniorss!
tis totally sux. i wanna takeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ohhyesss n aerina, amanda took your bottle it aint me y'know?
2morrow gt match wif tkp.. nt xpecting nething..
aerina still th best.. come support ussssss!!!!!!ILY!
okay FINALLY rachel called me!
she dint call me fr 2days 2nights!! worried sick manns!
see what a good friend u haff huhs??
cheyyy self praise!
but serious mann.. i tot what happened!
so we were planning on bathing in sku but plan failed:(
rac's mum dun allow.
but im sometimes afraid to bath in sku
sekalliiiiiii sme1 open th doorrrrr!!!!!!
i have a wild imagination..
which is sometimes nt really a good thing
k im ending it here!


♥Saturday, July 18, 2009
today is not that great AT ALL
first thing is i have to wake up early on a SATURDAY cos of TUTION
although its normal i wasent really in a good mood this morning.
so after that went TM eat lunch

aftr that had to go to RGS for the netball trials.
i think i flung the whole thing manns
hopefully not.
luckily tokk a back-up - cedar
seakim's choice too(:
having a game wif tkp 2moro. must rest well.
oso toked to debby yst. shes damn cute sehh
wen i saw her on webcam she was still in jersey
funny manns she. not ony her
we lyk add soo many ppl to th convo
aerina fazlyn fatin kaiting.
lol. but mostly tokde to fadzly aerina n debby:)
love them to bitss<33
i really dun wana go sec sku manns
i mean itll be so diff wifout my teammates
i mean weve bin togede 4 4 yrs!!
adapting to a new team will b difficult.
well i DON'T hve a choice!
changing skus SUX!

♥Friday, July 17, 2009
well done senior netballers!!!!!!!!!!
second year in a row st hilda's senior netballers gt top 4 in nationals !!!
but lets try to obtain mre ten tt tis year yea?
its our last year. give it our ALL!
try harder nxt year kaysss?

okay changing th subject...
tomorrow got th RGS trials me rachel n tessa going
gluk to my self gluk to myslef
ten aftr tt walked hme wif tessa rac n manda
at first i called manda a bitch cos her father fetching
but in th end she was a good fwen n woked hme wif us
:Dhehe love herrr!
as usual rachel borrowed monay
NEVER gonna return:8
okay okay. wanna study byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
oh ya n one mre thing ...

♥Wednesday, July 15, 2009
yo peeps!
jus came back from CCAB. got game mahhs..
vs-ed pasir ris. 37-19. mr zam nt tt happy lyk gaghs..
everyone nt really in a good mood. but i mus say tt we werent
complacent n took everything seriously. even our warm upps.
ohyaas i jus wanna say sorry to SMP players fr hitting you guys on th head(Literally)
but serious nt purposely one!:(paiseh paiseh.
forgive yeaass? so in th bus reflect on our mistakes. mr nizam oso say he v.diss
in our defence. true luhh ahh, we too slack alr
well, everyone has sth to learn frm this game. EVERYONE!
okay switching gears...you see this name beloww??
best show in the whole wode world must watch!!must must must!
if nt nice i oay you back your ticket money. LOLS jkjk i where gt so rich hors?
its jus a must watch luhh kayy?
so gogogo nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!or u will regret serioius!
kk tts allll FOR NOWW!
byeessssssss but i dun miss u(:

♥Tuesday, July 14, 2009
today school okay okay ony luhh.aiiyaaa i dunno what to say bout my netballers! tey RAWKK RAWKK to th freaking core!<33>

♥Sunday, July 12, 2009
freaking homework manns!
jus finished it lehhs!
hmph..wish it will STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
okay, lets tok bout monday's game..
juniors will b playing againts st.margarets!
juniors u CAN do it!
all of the senior team haf fiath in you guys tt you can do it!!!
give tem a taste of what SHPS netball is bout
but dun b complacent play your best
we will b waiting for good news bak in sku
oso jus a good luck to SMP juniors
as for th seniors
we need to play our best
OLN is no pushover, tey are jus as good as us

♥Friday, July 10, 2009
hello wello!
tons tons of homework lehhs!
TODAY had a game wif henry psrk
all of us played damn badly
and i got damn tired cos i was playing GD and l8r WD
last quater mr,nizam threw in all the main players
i think th game was abit better then
ohya n i gave seakim her present
i was lyk damn paiseh so ijus put on th floor n run away!
lyk damn LOL!


so in th bus coming back was th th BEST!
damn funny!!!
cos rachel was EMO-ING
so me amanda and aerina had to think of ways to cheer her up:D
such GREAT friends!
so we did diff styles to make her smile!

-british accent
-indian accent
-korean language
-sexy voice
-chinese language

LOL so okay tts it
ohyea we won henry park in todays game
lol oi, nt 3 ahh,,
thirty sth heh(:
okay sry but there r no pics taken today so BYEEEEEEEEEEE!

♥Wednesday, July 8, 2009

hey guys,
sorry my last post was in a MESS!
heh, neway what i was trying to say generally
was tt it was kimbum's bdae yst
n tt rac asked me a stupid question
so, neway
today had th first game of the nationals for
both th senior n junior team
well, for the juniors,
good job in getting mr.nizam scared!
heh(: but stil good job today
ps/ they managed to win even after
trailing in th 1st quater by 2-7
in the end, tey won 8-21!!
(vs-ed greenridge)
luv you guys!
as for the seniors , we VS-ed CHIJ OLGC
we won them 11-36
nice job to us too(:
so , saw ALY!!!!!
hah, and i shouted ADAM LAMBERT RAWKKSSS!
LOL, okay im gonna go update pics so ENJOY!!

♥Tuesday, July 7, 2009
tagg me pls peopleee!
my tagg board is D-E-A-D!
,it is kinda dead!!
urgh,,how to get rid of th bold!!!
damn damn damn!
so, rachel ask me th stupidest q. jus now
she ask me if philipines is in indonesia
get out of 6-9 luhh u!
ahaha jk(:
so tomoro is game wif ij olgc!
jiayou jiayou!
we'll b hoping fr good news wen you come bak juniors!!!!
al the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

♥Saturday, July 4, 2009
hey peeps!
paiseh, havent been updating l8ly
just too busy
smetimes its mum nt letting me use th comp
but seldom
mostly is bcos im jus too damn lazy
i know im bad,
so ive been to a few others blogs,,
apparently no ones been
updating,, shud b cos
of th cmg PSLE (:
so nxt week's gonna b nationals
luckily its aftr sku
smetimes i dun lyk stuff during su hrs
unless th lessons r borng
okay, i dunno y but i seem to lyking math mre n mre
dunno wede its cos we changed place
or cos its a new term
or mayb jus cos my BRAIN IS DAMAGED!
laawl(: rili dunnoi nvr do
okay im gonna end it here cos my icecream
is MELTING!!!!!

♥Tuesday, June 30, 2009
hey peeps!
so happy bdae mrzam
i know i said i w]ill take alot of pics
but in sku mahh so cant take out hp
but i managed to tke 3 pics..++
pics of th board that we made fr mr zam
so yea,, 4 pics hehe(:
so training he was in a good mood (:
GREAT right?
n it was damn funny durin training
cos dunno hu threw a high ball
so it tipped of my hand
n went flying to drishti!
but it bounced n she dint managed to catch it!!
so it hit her nose!!! lyk LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
th whole team includind mr nizam was LOL-ing lyk mad !
funny sia ! wallow eh, dunno how many times hit her nose alr!
dawdd drishti
ten we were toking bout BOF th whole tym during game!!!!!
yay,,haha so ive gt nothing mre to tok bout so..peace!

♥Monday, June 29, 2009
today was god..better than okay
er,, soso game was postponed
lyk yay??
cos now aerina can play (:
so seniors game oso postponed so was abit pissed
but okay luhh, tmr training as per normal
but we doing sth special tmr!
find out in my post tmr kk?
confirm got pics one!
so today supp clas was th BESTBESTBEST!!!!!!!
funn to th max!!
cos mr lim jus ask us to finish are n perimater
so no teaching
all of us just 'doing work'
so its lyk damn funny luhh
cos can tok mahh but soft
so eden was acting cute th whole damn tym
funniest part is he ask hu is yao ming
lyk wth! so we bluff him say is shortest man on earth
LOL so hard manns!
damn funn of course gt mre luhh
jospeh soh was cpying me n pinwei's work th whole
tym,ten pinwei was lyk "as usual"
wallow ehh, luv my clas
but rachel is hating her grp cos she say ol th nerd sitting there]
so aftr sku was th worst we were waiting fr amanda to wok hme together
but aftr waiting 4 soooooooo lng
she cme out of class n tell us that her dad fetching
f uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
hate u now ..but she say sorry via sms
LOLso 4giv her lorhhs
what good friends uhhs??
heh LOL, so tmr changing place..
dunno wede good or bad..sitting wif renny
okay tts ol today ..so bye!

♥Saturday, June 27, 2009

whoa,, had so much fun today mann
lyk i said went rac hse
did th bored fr tt person
but ode thn tt went to see her room..
its FREAKIN small!
no offence but seriously
but she keeps saying tt the study room is
part of her room(to make her room look bigger)
neway,, we go downstairs th basketball bourt
played basketball n volly ball
surprisingly th white ball works!!
was having so much fun until th security guard came luhhs
say what cant wear slippers in th basketball court
wallow eh,, nvm luhh
so ten went back compleated th bored!!
seriously im aint bragging or nething
but its rili nice!
n we were watching th chinese show there oso
n toking bout sth tt amanda dosent hav
wth r u sure!!!!!go see doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sp damn funny luhh
i in the toilet ten tey off ol th damn lights
but of course,, i WASENT SCARED kk u guys!
so rachel's mum treated us to KFC 4 dinner!
n ten u know what tammy did?
cos she was telling us bout sth n rachel kip interupting
so she was lyk 'shuddup u ass'
whoaaaaaaaaaaa! we were ol lyk laughing our heads off luhh
aiya hu teach one uhh huh?
th ONEANDONLY rachellll!
confirm ol learn frm her one!
so rachel's mum send us ol hme
so went chinyee hse first
so we escourt her right to her doorstep
ten wen th brother open th door he was shirtless
ten he dint know gt ppl
so he was ly 'wah sialakkkkk' ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
mind pollution mind pollution!
so oh yea frgt to mention tt we took pics in th car!!!
wifout manda cos she was sitting in the front
no luhh she oso HELP us take foto..
bad right we ol!
heh. so ten wen reach my hse tey oso escourt me up..
haizzz...so sad th day ended
hope can go again yea??
(aftr psle)

♥Friday, June 26, 2009
firstly, RIP michael jackson,
well if you guys dint know, he jus passed away:(
sad manns, king of pop
forst thing i see on youtube
under most pleyed videos
is ALL his songs..
haizz..ony when th person pass away ten ppl start
knowing how much their idol means to them
actually quite sad..cos he jus 50yrs old
still young, n he supposed to hav a concert
b4 he..well you know
yea, so i listened to a few of his songs yst..
v.nice eh seriously,,jus found out
act. he looks quite okay even wif th plastic surgery
neway oso saw alot of comments on youtube
bout machael jackson ...can tell alot of ppl miss him
dunno why even though i dunno
him n i dun really to his songs i still feel a little sad..
okay okay lets skip to sme good news yea?
well im gonna go rac hse today,
she ask me bring rubber ball to play volly
wallow i tell her its
so damn freaking small but she dun waan listen
oso gonna do th board fr tt person
yea gonna be lotta fun..
so gonna get ready to go there
promise to take photoes n upload them yea?
kk needa gooooooo!

♥Thursday, June 25, 2009
hey bloggg!
i tis is 2days worth of posting so it MAY
be abit longer ten usual.
so yst went math traillllllll!
so funny manns!
jolene johnna joshua joseph n mikhail in my group
ol stat wif letter J
ten sme weird rabbit show up(mikhail)
so ten stat at th 'wild wild wet'
we need 4 tries to get th question right!!
n th leader wasent even helping!
in fact th GUY gt leg pain!
u tell me ,, gay or nt gay??
so ten went to sme butterfly wok
v.pissed wif sme1 ter!
well overol th station at th amphitheatre was th best
cos we jus need one try to ans th Q
heh(: lyk tt oso th best..
kk, in th bus was damn funnn!
ol listening earpeice
ten oso gt sme guys shouting at th bak
wallow eh,,ten cme hme,,7pm gt tution..sianzzz
kk enough bout yst
today was jus okay!
went popular wif rac tessa n insyrah b4 going netball training
luv tem to bits and pieces manxnxnx!
going bak to sch in th taxi was th BEST part!!
rac was damn funny!
she was lyk toking lyk in her own hse!!
wallow ehhs,
ten netball training
mr zam wasent ter fr th first part
ltr ten cme
but heard frm him tt tk juniors mayb nt taking part
cos 4 of their main players quarentine
so nationals start nxt week!!!
okay gonna end it here
so byeeeeeeeeee!

♥Tuesday, June 23, 2009

gawdd..mann ghelani,,
neway, today needa go bak to sch fr class
ten aftr tt luvkkily gt netball if nt i bored to DEATH
b4 netball , lunched at macs wif manda tessa n chin yee
damn funny luhh
1. qiling called manda
so me n rac were abit pissed, so rac said sth bout china
ten i pretend to b manda's BF
2. rac mixed ice-cream wif her coke
ten there was tis young boy bhind us ten he was lyk
n we dun even know him LOL
3.rachel keep laughing n screaming so laud
even ppl far away n using earpiece
oso can hear
4. we were trying nt to speak in singlish
wif ol th luhhs n ehhs but FAILED!
hahahahahahahaha damn funny i tell u!
ten wen bak 4 training
finsh alr ten wen hme
ten ghelani called!!!!!!!!!
wanted to take bus but manda n tessa were
kind souls n woked wof mieee!
love tem(:
so, hope fulyy nationals will b postponed 4 a week
so aerina can play..pray fr tt kays(:
peace out guys!!!

♥Monday, June 22, 2009

just finished my GAT test today..
th first part quite okay uhhs..but ten
ending tt tym ten nt so easy..but managed to ans ol th questions(:
hoppefully pass hors!
butbutbut, i was abit kiasu,,
soso i ask melissa!LOL.
so jus now i tried sending in th cedar DSA form but it dint work
wth. mayb next tym go rac hse n do(:
act omos wanted to go ter aftr th test cos shes bin asking me since last year to go her hse ;
but it dint work out:( so cabbed hme wif tessa..
supposed to go sku but was too lazy
n even if i went, oso no point cos late alr
okay, so mayb rac joining my class fr math trail(:
hopefully if she aint lazy!

join luhh uhhs!pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!

♥Sunday, June 21, 2009
ahhhhhh,, tomoro's my GAT!!!!
gawdd..scared manns....
but sweetie amanda wished me gluk(:
tts th ony msg i received th whole day wishing me gluk
she seriously seriousky my BESTIEEEE!
love her to truck loads manns(:
gluk to you too kaysss hunnnnn!
so called rachel jus now,,
she ask me go fill up th cedar girls DSA form,,
so i fill up lorhs..so jus found
out frm aly tt can apply fr any numbuh of skus
i tot ony 3..paiseh paiseh:"P
so tomorrow wanted to take bus to RGS
but mum say too late so cabbing there
sorry rachel cuden go wif u uhhs:(
but see you there kays(:
so, today dint go fr swimming 8D
damn happy luhhs!
kk, th 4.30 show simply rawks manns!
nice nice especially fann wong8D
llove herr! but she's kind of hot-tempered in this show
but she still cool!
so im kinda done here..gonna watch BOF!

♥Saturday, June 20, 2009
thnx tessa fr updating th netball blog!
now it aint so dead alr uhhs!?
kk, ne one know what is GAT?
i know its some kind of DSA test but what tey testing
ol i know is tt tey nt testing on sku subject,,
so tts a relief(: phewwwwwww...
so having GAT on monday,,
going wif tessa rachel.. i not sure if amanda's one on
th same day or not..but hopefully so
kk, today was jus okay...
evening went TM
bought new shoes!!(:
n i saw amanda,,well i dint see her,,
but she tap me on th shoulder(:
i omost dint recognise her cos she let down her hair(:
hah! i was lyk looking at her 4 awhile,,
ten suddenly i realise it was amanda(:
so currently chatting wif aly(:
GLUK for your cedar netball trials yea(:
okay im done here!

♥Friday, June 19, 2009
finally,, my blog is perfectttt
but sorry cos a few of th post are in light colours
cos my previous blogskins was dark colour
neway,, oso added BOF songs(:
i ask rachel to go see
wonder whats her reaction???
hehe will know soon
n she's moving hse if i havent mentioned..
well, shes bin telling me n amanda tt
fr th past dunn how many days,,
yea rachel?
den, owhjer;wehnurnytony needs a spare phone
but a phone getting confiscated for 3 mths?
heh..sry but cant say th name
s im gonna go sleep now...
so peace!(:

♥Thursday, June 18, 2009
yo peeps!
i know ol most post lately
hav been v.short so ill continue wif my last 1
so yst sleot at 4am!!
how cool is tt
n i wasent th ony one(:
jeraldine oso havent sleep yet
was chatting wif her fr awhile last nite(:
heh, wwho chats at 4am huh?
we're cool gals!
so you may ask what i was doing so late?
well, i was watching th oneandonly....
lol, im their biggest fann yea?
okay so, i managed to wake up at 11am th nxt day
okay, one good news fr you guys..
th junior n senior team hav settled
everything alr(: thats th best news i've heard so far
well yea! tts ol i hav to say!
peace out~

so ive changed my blogskin to bof,,
yea, love tem to bits!
so nth has bin going lately,
jus studying n reading sleeping
so, i wana watch tv now,,

♥Wednesday, June 17, 2009
hey earthlings!
kk, i jus finished tution(:
th teacher was nice today
so now gonna watch red thread!
n i dun wana b disturbed!
so im gonna stop hear(:

♥Tuesday, June 16, 2009
especially for th SHPS senior n junior netball team,,
heyy you guys,,
i know a few things happened on tue
which i wun tok bout
but th main point is ,
both side got really angry n pissed
i know tt th seniors did sth to make th juniors angry
and th juniors did sth to make th seniors angry
but now its ol over ,,
can we take it lyk this prob nvvr happened at ol??
you know seing th uniors n seniors lyk tis
makes me just feel lyk crying..
so forgive n forget
n aerina,, you've been a great capt.
we r ol, humans
we have times where we get really angry
so lets just forget it kay,
hope th juniors will forgive th seniors
n i know tt th seniors hav alr forgiven th juniors

so now,, for th happy part bout today
so b4 going to sku, me n rac went watch hannah montanna
th moviee!!! n guesse what,
we had th WHOLE n practically th WHOLE
THEATRE to ourselves!!so we were lyk laughing so loudly,,
cos no one there to complain
hehe!!gawdd manns
it was lyk damn funny(:
so ten go hme first
to tke th present for youknowwho
ten went to sku
ten at sku it was lyk damn funny
cos we were doing retarded stuff while making th present
ten we play..."VOLLYBALL"
" " cos we dint know a damn thing abt playing vollyball
so we looked lyk complete retards!!!
ten woked hme wif tessa n rac
went exercise park n took a few pics(:
its uploaded in th previous post(:
so im gonna go study now

this post is dedicated to my juniors,,
i know you guys are pissed wif us today
but we dint know tt we need to go fadzlyn hse
to do th present thing.
i tot you guys are cmg to sku,,
n oso my mum n rachel mum dun allow
so cant go,, act wanted to go there jus to collect th pics
butbut sth happnd der i frm what i heard
so yea sorries once again
your senior,

♥Monday, June 15, 2009
if he's not hawttttttt and cuteeee i dunno what in the whole damn world is!(:ILY kim bum
kimbum 06 by DIVA VIP.
27_a9 by nh0c_m4ttr0n.
3 KimBum style by C h r i s ™.

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Let me tell you first,i will make you become sorry.
Leave a tag at the tagboard,kindly Click Here or Press Alt F4 if you hate me.

That Chiobu.
Hello i am ______
Currenly studing in Blahblah Primary school.
All About you.

Those lies.
Beloved ones.
My gfiends.
michael jackson.

to meet _______
fly around the world .
loose weight !
got good results

That Spinning Music

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March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

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