Oh,shut up. Url.blogspot.com
♥Sunday, May 31, 2009
okay i cnt believe i dint go for th SSS trials
so now see luhh,miss a chance alr..stupid luhh me!whtevr lah!i hate it. shud have gone wif ppraose n jiahui tey all lors.act ws supposed to go bt since rac wasen going i dint oso cos dunno hw to go ter.ten how nw?miss th chance alr luhh.hopefully ters another one but i dun think there is):but anyway jus a gluk to praise n jiahui and hopefully tey get selected:)gluk guys.so anyway changing th subject..another 10 mre dys to seakim b'day.betr gt ready her pressie!any ideas on presents anyone?heh prms will b sth special(:so,no ones on9 now. bored sia me!nth to do n i need to go study in a few minutes tym.:(anyway i need to if i wanna go to a gd sku.so,tts all..mayb il post again 2nite.
okay so bb(:

im freakin tired tday..moring wake up 730..even though stil v.sleepy(was forced)hate to wake up early mann!smre last nyt sleep lyk bout 1++.ten finish my stuffs at roung 12 ten straught away needa go for th tution.damn it..so tired smre. ten go hme sleep one hour ten go 4 swimming..cme bak roun 7.so as you can see,im on th verge on hating today!okay tts lyk all i did today other ten hmewrk so nth else to post bout. mayb tomorrow kays?

♥Saturday, May 30, 2009
hey guys!
im just gonna mke tis a short wan cos my laptop bat going low
so jus nw gt netball carnival seniors gt 2nd n juniors gt 1st(: lost to TPJC
btu nvm so aftr tt went KFC damn fun siaa
den tessa me insyirah aerina n kaiting went bak sku n play!
damn fun den me insyirah n tessa was dancing to low n so what!
fun fun fun fun(:!
okay update l8r lappy no batt:)

♥Thursday, May 28, 2009
hey my blog(:its early in th morning bt im still blogging.so today hav th parent teacher meeting. my dad's going n oso need to collect report book,het release of report books n definately th c on my report book iss ntcllo at all!!!ahhh!so today oso gt netball trng n need to go for th HOD tok cos of th rachel but ten wun b listening to the whole thing cos playing netball wif rachel(: n she oso gonna b sending me permanant by david cook by th damn terms and conditions apply!eff her manns so anyways i wanna go eat breakfast now so bye(:

♥Wednesday, May 27, 2009
hey guys im posting again..HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRAISE! ily(:okay american idol! im officially loving ADAM LAMBERT effing much(:wish wish wish i cn vote for him luhhs!but since im nt a AMERICAN i cant do a freaking thing bout it exept watch him loose the th other guy!!damn it manns..hate it!but neway will confirm BUY his album!!!!!i dun care hw much.worst cme 2 worst ill stat saving nw.heh/retarded.tomorrow gt no netball:(sad case..but gt PE!luv it!hopefully cn play dodge ball!n oso malay lesson is th most tomorrow(:lovin thursday(:so yea i gt nth much to say n i wanna watch TV so ciao..(if i spelt it right)

okay i dunno whats wrong wif all my damn freaking posts!cant even see i dunno why??someone please help!neways i just changed my blogskin for th millionth damn damming freaking tym!lyk whatthehell..im fickle minded(:well tts me..so today had funfair v.boring lyk gt nothing to do one..just eat play a few games..and rachel dint even wait for me n she went n eat!f u gal(:SHANICE oso cme wif us(:so play this game th one cant touch thwire os sth lyk tt then mr nizam keep on distracting me! luckily i v.pro den dint get distracted. lol self praise(: so speaking bout praise..we celebrated her b'day just now. n tessa keep in using a ball to hit my head f herr to(: den played 'vollyball' wif a few SHSS ppls!damn fun manns den they keep on hitting th ball so high! lyk wtf!damn it manns! den we lie to them say need to go hall den we went home!lol(:haha!
okay so tts all.told you my day was boring..BYE!

♥Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so im back again,promised to update again so here i am(:
err...lets see ahh okay,stopped at th $140 thing
so yea i wanna buy sth for my dad but its so x...nvm will TRY to save
i think can lahh ahh..skul:okayokay luhh..mr lim came back
dint really have tym to update my diary so i just wrote a few pages..
n guesse what? renny n taninette finished one whole book lyk ZOMG!!!
mus b dey write alot hehe.but i save th environment so i dun
hehe jkjk(:so den mrs lim period was DAMN FUNNY luhh!
cos she started scolding but it wasent rili scolding
i mean lyk it wasent serious.i guesse alot of ppl figured it out and started joking
LOL!well thts my class(:love thm
so then netball was all on fitness
did suicide sprinting ball work full court until rachel wanna die(:jk
but i dint do so much cos i need to help sharmaine
she's a newbieeeeee!but she's damn FREKIN TALL! taller than me!
wtfh! n she in primary 5! nooooooooooooooooo!
i needa grow for nuts manns=.=
so walked back wif tessa we were both broke so we had to walk
if nt we long tym alr cabbed back lors..
but since tesa ony had a DAMN $2 note, it was able to see us through 1 packet of crontoz(:
so yea tts my day todyso
peace outttttttt(:

okay dunno whats wrong wif my last post
so im gonna re-write it,
but but but...
nt now cos im too tired hehe
im bad i know(:

yo ppls!
today ws good and no good:()
heh lol
i know i hate you but i wun b so bad on your birthday
so dun cme and tell me tt i dint wish u happy bithday
cos i jus announced it to th whole world(:
so changing th topic IM BROKE!
dun ask me y but im jus broke n im freaking frustrated
so i estimated need lets see...
gawsh!i need to buys sth IMPORTANT
foe my dad,....
so tomorrow's funfair...i think it gonna b boring
i mean i've been going through it for th past 6 yrs!
hw cn i nt know?
so yea but gt lesson in th morning for awhile
=.= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sp just now netball training was ALL on fitness!
lyk wth. did 4 suicides..nt so bad lahh ah,
dhen go train charmaine,she's new
bt v good lehh for a newbieeeee(:
im shorter n she's only in p5!
lyk wth!mg...
okay neway,walked bak wif tessa,wanted to take cab back but as i said we were both broke
okay nt really, tessa was left wif a damn $2 note
wich saw us through a crontoz packet(:
okay i wanna go eat now,im starving to death!
so peace outtt(:

♥Monday, May 25, 2009
seakim's b'day is 11 june!NEED TO RMMB!

mr lim dint cme AGAIN today..
so was writing th whole tym he wasent here
PE was damn fun again larhs(:
dodge ball!
best best best!
so mr nizam joined th other group AGAIN!
jus cos dey loosing..
nxt tym mus purposely loose
or make it fair so he wun join th other team(:
so his 'strategy' was to wait until evr1 gt ball
den all throw at 1 person at 1 tym
wth!but i dint work(:
all th balls miss!
so me n johanna had a cold
so we high-fived each ode jus cs of tt
LOL! we're retarded
so den we were talking bout adam n kris
johanna oso wan adam to wil(:
yay us! LOVE adam
den had tis SFE tok
quite fun oso luhh jus tok bout communication
n sme other stuff den gt GAMES(:
so den stay back awhile
n rachel SNATCHED my biscuit away!
wtf manns! n she dint even give me sme of hers!!
den go hme
sleep awhile den go wif parents to parkway parade
den mr zam called n said tt i go out wif mikhail!!!!!
noooooooooo!i did NOT!
i dun evn lyk him!ITS ALL RUMOURS!
so anyway went subway.their cookies are NICE!(:
den go hme so nw here i am blogging!
tts all so,

♥Sunday, May 24, 2009
so found this skin v.nice
so using it nw(:
hope you guys lyk it(:
this just a short post so

i know i said tt in my last post but i cnt help it
i just love tt song to bits!trying to get th piano tutorial on youtube!
hopefully can!it'll be super cool!
anywayss..today dint go anywhere at all
just stayed at home watch tv read study play piano tok on th fon
nt so bored luhh
so tomorrow school!!
like yay!pls dun think tt im a nerd but it beats staying at hme doing nth(:
so yea lovin skul at th moment(:
sms-ing rachel nw even though its late..yea!
tomorrow gt PE(:i think gt free game cos napha over.
in soo RANDOM!
feel like changing my blogskin..sick of mine
haizz..i missing my seniors so much mannzz!
th ode day wen saw melissa n merissa was soo happy!
wanna see th rest of them soon
cnt take it anymre. visit soon yeas?
hopefully cn go same sec sch as dem(:tt'l b so cool
okay soo gonna go change my blogskin(if i can find a nicer one)
so byeeeeeeee

♥Saturday, May 23, 2009
hey guys!
if you dunno th lyrics tt i put up is permanant by david cook
im telling you
such a touching song
i almost cried when i saw he's performance on american idol
such a nice song
seriously checking it out in youtube
cry your heart out if you want(:
love him(:
i cant believe i dint support him last season on american idol
nt saying tt david archuletta is nt good
he's th cutest guy wif a great voice (:
luv him too!
aiya! love both of them lots!
so just nw went for th RGS open hse
soo cool manns
cos they hav lyk this houses
doing their cheer n ol those stuffs
wif th cheerleaders n all..
so yea 2 of th sec 2 netballers sort of lyk toured us rnd
v.nice th skul
den went too th classroom!
cos mel brought us there
we're th only visitors there
mel was soo nice!
but jus as retarded lol(:
merissa oso there!!
miss them truckloads manns!(:
den they have 3 netball courts!
th skul was damn big
saw natasha oso
yea so yea
okay den went hme
tts ol so

Is this the moment whereI look you in the eye?
Forgive my broken promise that you`ll never see me cry
And everythingIt will surely change
Even if I tell you I won`t go away today

Will you think that you`re all alone
When no one`s there to hold your hand?
And all you know seems so far away
And everything is temporary
Rest your head
I`m permanent

I know he`s living in hell
Every single day
And so I ask, oh God
Is there some way for me to take his place?
And when they say it`s all touch and go
I wish I could make it go away
But still you say

Will you think that you`re all alone
When no one`s there to hold your hand?
When all you know seems so far away
And everything is temporary
Rest your head

I`m permanent
I`m permanent

Is the moment where I look you in the eye?
Forgive my promise that you`ll never see me cry...

♥Thursday, May 21, 2009
1.who tagged you to do this quiz?

2.name some good points about him/her

3.name some bad points about him/her
no, she's too good(:

1.what class are you in?
6/6 faith

2.name all your best friends
easy! NETBALLERS!! 6/6 gals!

3.who is your favourite girl in class?
err..cn change th question to girls? if yes dhen..nicole,johanna,jolene,siewling,err long list lahh

4.who is your favourite boy in class?
no one! ill kill myself if i hav a favourite!

5.are you attached or single?
single!i prefer hanging out wif my GF's

6.do you like this class
nt as much as my p4 class

7.what do you like about his class?
huh? whose class?

8.why are you doing this quiz?
gt tagged to do so

9.do you believe in god?
of course luhh!(:

10.girl or boy?

11.do you have a crush on somebody?
hell no!gawd!

12.cry before?

13.you prefer handphone or computer
handphone cos hav internet connection(:

14.name those people you hate?
periera isaac. i dun care if he sees it or nt!

15.you prefer comedy or romance movies?
comedy. ramance is a little boring..

16.have you smoke before?
no n i dun wanna(:

17.when you intend to get married?
whatthell!still so young..ask 4 wat?


19.last person you talk to?

20.last person you nessaged?

21.favourite artist?
dunno..cant choose..taylor swft maybe..

22.favourite song?
love story

23.nicest movie you ever watched?
a few..17 again,twilight,narnia gt 1 mre bt i cant rmmb th title..

24.favourite food?
fried food! tts y im FAT!

25.favourite drink?

tagg 10 peaple to do this

♥Monday, May 18, 2009
today is jus so whatever...hehe\
finally cn play netball cos exam ovr
so tdy ALL of mr lim lesson was boring!
ony malay lesson was FUN!
so den errr....came home..told parent results
den tts all

today was supr supr funn funn funn!!
okay i srt wif morning b4 skul
rach ask me meet early to crap crap crap..
so then cos we were standing at the railing there
so rach was lyk..'dis is th best place to commit suicide'
then we were arguing on whoose klas to meet @ during recess
so in th end decided on amada's klas
so l8r recess RACHEL was late!
me n amanda wasted 10min waiting for her to cme out frm klas n she still havent cme out..
so we dint bother
den in th canteen met tessa
eat 2gede
so me n amanda made n agreement to PUNISH rachel
so we dint tok to herr fr 7min!
but of crs we were jus jk:)
hw cn we nt tok to rachel!
so den praise came to my klas to see my new fon!
finally gt it!(:
so then
until aftr skul stayed back wif rach n tess
EPG hd supp
so it was lyk damn funny lahh
cos we were in the library so we were trying to do lyk mr nizam lyk tt
when he pretend to tear the ppr but act nvr tear
but end up the whole ppr was torn into bits n peices!
swo dhen dey hd to gp fr napha so stayed back wif nadya n nora..
bcame a table-tennis freak fr awhile!
den go fr napha
i HATE napha!
everything was ok exept 4 sbj...
but other den tt evrting was OKAY!!
OK GTG lovee u lotts:))

♥Saturday, May 16, 2009
hey blog!
so there is lyk omost nth top post bout today
so tis gonna b a short post kay?
first went for tution
act dint even wanna go lahhs!
dhen went hme for 5min
den go uncle's hse
wtf lahhs
sme ppl i din even wana see were there lahhs!
den tessa ask if i wanna go jogging wif her
but cudent...:(
so monday gt NAPHA(i un even know if i spelled it right)
so yea tts wt happened dhe whole day..
bb peepes 8D

♥Friday, May 15, 2009
hey ppls!
omg today was lyk so fun lahh!
ok school wasent tt funn.....
n lyk guesse what?
there was tis guy hu came to our school n tok bout porn!!
wtf! smr gt p3 lehhsss~1~~~
m class was lyk what the freaking hell!
then im lyk whadeber!
then aftr tt gt netball lunchhh:))
i luv it manss!
thnx mr loh n mr zam:)
dhen me rachel n amanda bot this sot of
dunno wad..a\smart meal or sth lyk tt..
den put LOTS N LOTS N LOTS of
dhen we ordered ICE CREAM
act we dint but thnx to charmaine we did!
cos when we pass by their table we saw then eating ice cream
so we ask mr loh n he letuss buyyyyy!:D
best best best:D
it was lyk damn funn larhs!
i wanna wanna wanna go AGAIN!
hehe:)im greedy:D
ok i gtg
seeya peeps:D

♥Thursday, May 14, 2009
hey peeps!
so i know tt my post are nt so nice to read
n are a little boring
but i dint have so much tym to post cos of dhe freakin exams
WHATEVERRR...cos frm now onwards..no mre exams
so its tym to play play play!!
so cant wait for tomoro cos mr loh treating ALL netball gals to
so yea cnt wait
and and and sth reallyyy supperrrrr increadibellllllyyyyyyyyyy
okay will end here
wanna go watch TV

♥Wednesday, May 13, 2009
hey you guys!
so havent been posting from a loooong tym
cos of the exams
so tomoro is the last day
nt tt nervous
but i dun fell lyk posting now
so will update you another tym kays....

♥Monday, May 11, 2009
this post is dedicated to jeraldine frm TKP
i saw your blog n i think one of the post where you said tt you read some girls blog bout the finals n stuff. well i dunno wede you meant me but if you did, im sry if my post offended. FYI:i alr deleted tt post kay?i was just encouraging my tream nt putting down your kays? no hard feelings? hope so:) sorry if i offended you wif my post. wont do it again. sry.tagg me if you see this post. im really sry

♥Sunday, May 10, 2009
helllohs again!
looks lyk im posting for the 2nd tym today
i know tt there is exam n i SHUD be studying bt its 10.39 at nyt!
who wud wanna study sia!
anyways today no needgo swimming!
im happy bout tt for your info:)
then cos parents went NTUC
so no ones at home
n i dun have dhe house keyyyy!
so waited at the playgrnd
pranked rachel!
it was so damn funny
then we keep on telling amanda
bout a reatarded ass(which is act each ode)
luv you guyys

♥Saturday, May 9, 2009

ps: the flowers are frm the bookshop!


heyy guys!
sry havemt been posting 4 the longst tym
cos of dhe whatever exams!
so english ppr is donee!
bt still gt the freakin math ppr on teusday
anyway happy vesak day to huever celebrates it
i know im weird:))
so havent been conferencing lately
everyones busy studying
nt tt im nt...
i m lyk hell!
so yestrday went wif cousins
for sme mother's day thingi
it was damn FUNNY!
cme back round lyk 11++
at NIGHT!!
so dint have tym to buy present forr mother's day
so just gave my mum a card
will upload a pic of it ltr:))
just for you guyss!
okay so nth much to tok bout
so byess!:)

♥Friday, May 8, 2009
helloohhs guys!
im gonna make this a short one cos i nedd to go studyyyyyy!
kay , so today was ENGLISH PPR 2!
so-so lahhs
just to tell you guys
last question
the sentense is the last sentence
mr ng told praise
but sorry if i made a mistake kay?
then almost 4got today was a friday
so omos frgt tt hav assembly
go bk class
mrs lim scold
okay will update on today
ltr tonyt maybee kays?
if cannot dhen sorries;(

♥Thursday, May 7, 2009

hey yo!
okay today nt gna tok alot but will upload some pics ferh you guys to see!!!!!
so malay class mr elmi give some imbuhan worksheet
dhen lets see erm... maths mr lim gt angry
dhen say dun wanna teach anymore...
se he just show us answers ferh SQ
but in the end he geve in and teach(:
english was just corrections...so yea nth much
any somemore tmr gt ENGLISH SA1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
freaking out here
but revised just now so shud be ok lahhss..
ok wun tok alr going to upload dhe pics nw(:

♥Monday, May 4, 2009
ok seriously dunno what to tok bout'
ok strt wiff school
had compo paper today
wrote a FREAKING long one for english
tt means more mistakes!!!
dhen dhen dhen...
recess, crapped and retard-ing wif tessa rachel n praise!
amanda cdnt come cos of her epg-ness
so aftr school...
"wallow eh. gonna 'miss' it"
so went macs wif rachel
my juniors BATU mannsss!
allow me cuttttt:)
luv you guys
then rachel's mum send me home))
so yea tts ol

♥Sunday, May 3, 2009
hello mie blog!
ok justt tuhh clear upp a few things...
i did some adjustments to my links
and i deleted all the stuffs bout your guys
so now it ony has your names
its nt coss i dun luvv you guys anymore
ps:i luvv you to the freaking core!
its just tt it looks abit messy
i it dosent go well wif my new skin..
get it? good(:

♥Friday, May 1, 2009
i know tt dis is dhe 1000000tym
im changing blogskin andand
ppl have usedd dhis blogskin
pls dun call me a copycat-er or person wif no originality(:
wud appreciate tt
so dhis is just a short post
will post tonyt mayb(:

ok so as you can see im random today..
woke up quite early/late whatever 930am is..
den waffle for breakfast:D
aftr tt went SUNTEC!
but dint buy anything:(
but fed the fishies!
ok im getting lame
lyk i told you im random today
so then rushed back to watch 5.30 show
4gt 2 record cos tot today was friday
then oso almost 4gt to watch 9pm chinese show!!
ok if only my class teachers were lyk rui en!!!
tt be sooooo cool!:)
i wudent mind going to school on sats:D
tution tomoro sighs....
think shes going to do compo...
anyways saw i new sony erricson fon!!!
going to change to tt if dad allows it
ok will end it here
singing off,

Welcome to My blog.
Yeah,this is url.blogspot.com,do not mess with me,because i hate it.
I am in love with all my beloved friends,& if you would try to steal,you will get it.
Try testing my patience,if you dare.
Let me tell you first,i will make you become sorry.
Leave a tag at the tagboard,kindly Click Here or Press Alt F4 if you hate me.

That Chiobu.
Hello i am ______
Currenly studing in Blahblah Primary school.
All About you.

Those lies.
Beloved ones.
My gfiends.
michael jackson.

to meet _______
fly around the world .
loose weight !
got good results

That Spinning Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

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