Oh,shut up. Url.blogspot.com
♥Thursday, August 20, 2009
tis guy is so damn freaking irritating!
try act cute only!
your a guy ya'know?
act cute for what
ten temper so bad
little bit ony ten scold ppl!
try act lyk p and d ony
u think everyone lyks you stupid act cool ways
but jus FYI,
everyone is super PISSED OFF w/ it!
got it?
so dun come and give me tt idiotic voice
and jus try and action
im jus being kind not putting your name
up here kay?
so jus stop it!

pheww,, at least my anger is all vented.
havent been posting for long..
PSLE lah eh,
today was eng oral.
shud be able to do well.
but tomorrow is malay!!
wth? i scared i dunno how to say th words in malay!
ten how how how?
sabrina was so kind
told me to relax and jus do my best(:
ily ily.
gluk to all you p6-es frm any sku!
okay jus a short one(:

♥Saturday, August 15, 2009
yo peeps !
ps: why why love rawksssss to th coreeee!
mus mus mus thank jolene haha.
she th one hu introduce th movie to me mah.
:D haha. ty ty alot:D
huo da and huo yan super super super hotttt!
<3 ily ily ily jolene.
nxt time if got any nice shows , mus tell me ah!
haha, i know u will say yes so i thank you in advance:D
haha , but u continuing aftr PSLE!?!?!?
why why why?!?!?! i know u v. guai
haha..if i spell it correctly :D
heee...mus watch mus watch mus watch!
i told aerina ytd to watch but she folding her clothes
ohya ten tok bout some irritating hockey boys,
whatthe,, 360 degree fringe?!
whattttttttttttttt, especially luther eh? suspicious ah!
haha, ignore him nxt time luh kay?
so yea tis jus a short one cos im back to watching why why loveeeeeeee!

♥Thursday, August 13, 2009
guesse havent been blogging for a few days
anyone miss me? haha do tagg yea?(:"
seriously, i've been so busy lately
i havent even been calling rachel tessa and amanda that much.
this sux. so currently, alot of ppl on9(:
YAY! happt that there's not many nerds in is world
studying 24/7
ohya so _____ _______ aint in singapore!
so she's celebreting lyk shit
computer from morning to night
finally ah you, revealing you TRUE DAMN COLOURS
haha, lol
okay, so...hockey boys get first in nationals!
(: congrats top tem lor
pereira sure boast bout it tmr...$100000 bet(:
wth.no need to tok bout mr..jus now alr sms me say tt tey got first
ohkay sth funny:
cos in malay class cikgu elmi was giving out the worksheets tt we did on dunno wen
ten got one nameless
act not nameless... that somebody go and right th day instead of th name on th line
wth! guesse who!...ALISHA!!!!!
gawsh! lol! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
seriously mann,! how can you mistake your name for th day!
right alisha?
lol. today khamis...esol, jumaat pulak!!!
what the hell.
mikhail and danial and me were making fu of her th whole tym in class!
freaking funnae! (((((:
soso, yalah, thats th funny part
haha, so jus now _____ and _____ were talking bout _____
yalah, agree wit _____ whatevr
do whtevr you want..but u may hurt feelings
nayway, today mr nizam and mr ng scared be b4 class
but PE was damn fun.
human fuseball can you believe it? haha
<3 it(:
okay i wana go watch youtube liao..so byeeeeeeeee(:

♥Tuesday, August 11, 2009
my hands are so damn aching right now..
yknow what? mrs lim ask us do compo corrections by re-writing th WHOLE compo
okay, mayb tt not so bad luhh...
but she giv us 3 whole compo and she ask us finish corrections by tomorrow
what thing is tis?
urgh...seriously its lyk oing 3 compo in one day and handing in tomorrow
haiya..nvm lah, wat can do?
hah, lucky jospeh soh nvr come
he's been waiting for th day mrs give out compo for lyk damn long.
and ten now when she gonna gif back , he go dunno where;wth!
kay, then there's this FREAK _______ !
go kick th soccer ball so hard at my leg!
its still painful yknow u ass!
ten there's tis ______ ! wallow eh!
i jus say i wana defend her ten she say she dun wan play n stat emo-ing
okay nrvmind, so me and tessa patched up(: act we din even fight..LAME
hehe(: ten aftr sku got netball photo-shoot according to rac
but mac-ed first wit tessa renny and rac
me and rac( th ones wit money) bot mc wing!
but th one witout money..bot sme beef burger...
who owes me 2 bucks??
huh huh huh?!!! hu hu hu?!!
hehe...tt person know-
ten there's amanda
picking up rubbish, picking up rubbish during recess:D
cos she late for sku mahh..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
okay ten, pereira isaac, he keeps toking bout alisha's tongue!
wth? but serious ,i laughing bout mr lim shirt not youXD
ten training... p3 p4(: p3 is th goodest of th goodest of th goodXD
haha, serious serious(:
ten went bak first at bout 5pm
left rachel there (: she say tey do court work
shud haf stayed lorrr!
but if i stay ten needa use gate 1.___________.
okay thats all luuhh huh(:

♥Monday, August 10, 2009
you say i small thing oso cannot
i was joking wit _____
u dun haf to take it seriously
yknow i was smiling th whole tym i told ____ bout it?
i was jus joking mann, chill
u dun haf to go overboard right?
why so sensitive huh?
u hate me over such a small thing ?
get this clear..
even if i wasent, i u so angry huh?
i oso nvr say anything bout u!
and now ______ thinks its her fault!
its not okay.
she had nth to do wit tis stupid childish fight.
i dun even know y im writing tis..
its a waste of my tym explaining
if u wan to forgive ten forgive.
up to u.
act there nth AT ALL to forgive.
cos nth went wrong.
a small joking matter .. became such a big thing
cos of what?
u know th answer to tt question yrself.

♥Sunday, August 9, 2009
hah! yea! happy birthday singapore!
yea. went to cousins house today
go tution first ten dad cudent come cos involved in th parade
D: S-A-D...
so went there , first thing, my cousin is damn disgusting
he ate mummy and spit it back out in th packet
then i dint know so he ask me if i wan sme
and i took sme stupidly
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH,, salivaaaaaaaa!
wallow eh, ten i started beating him
okay good news: cousin got accepted to st.andrew's jc(:
then dinner was BBQ:D
yay! watch th parade there
oh ya , matthew went to watch liverpool game
meet th players oso:D
go got a pic wif every one of tem:D
ten there was one player look jus lyk him
so they were lyk "bothers" hehe:D
okay, another funny..
cos my cousin's football team got 4th in zone.
so tey take team photo right?
so there was this guy in jeans n shirt
so i was lyk " bus driver ah?"
ten my cousin: NO LAH! COACH!!
i mestaken th coach for the bus driver.
okay , aftr dinner...MARSHMELLOWS:D

my nick aint magessssss!
im gonna kill you
SPECIAL THNX TO SEAKIM for editing th post
ily ily ily!:D
i was too hyper bout th whole thing on msn so she told me to relax!
hahadx,, okay im gonna end it here:D
happy 44th birthday singapore once again:D

♥Friday, August 7, 2009
battlefeild-jordin sparks
be with you-akon
cant get over it mann!!!
its so damn freaking niceeeeeeeee(:
okay today national day. mus weaer red-T
and charmaine dint wear.
cannot fit lahh hor , charmaine?
so then assembly wif p1's n p2's
sing national anthem and pledge so damn loud siaa.
cant believe i used to be lyk tem.
ten national day song oso wanna sing so loud!
ten go back class n move to 4/6 class room!!!!!!!!!!
my BELOVED CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3
haha, ten sing national day song again
ten mr lim show us tis damn funny video,
tey make fun of th ndp theme song.
was realy fun mann. ten matthew wana show off go sing damn loud.
according to sabrina, her clas th whole day do work, damn sian
so ten recorder playing.
and mus oso wright poem, rap , song bout singapore.
i forget ours so i wun post it.:D
ten went back wf tessa. we were....haha nvm:D
ten go home!! no one at home
and i forgotten to bring th keysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
wtfh!!!!!!!!!wallow eh, ten i need to wait outside until my mum cme hme!
OMG OMG OMG! ten i listen music while waiting lorhs.
anyway , yupp thats all:D
no correction , thats all YOU NEED TO KNOW

♥Wednesday, August 5, 2009
i dint blog yst cos seriously was so tired
okay, yst went for th RGS interview
mine was wif tessa and rukhmini(seriously sorry if spell wrong)
so the testers were friendly.
i wasent as scared as i was supposed to be.
then rachel charmaine aly and sabrina togethr aftr us.
so went to RI wif tessa fr awhile
pick up tessa's bro
so we couldent go through th front gate cos of sme reason
so tessa's mum was scolding th guard
ten tessa was lyk
"she's not gonna leave untilo she gets in"
so RI was having a game st.andrew
i dunno wede JC or secondary.
but RI was damn BIG!
cos their sharing wif th JC mahh.
if ony RGS was there
cos its much bigger and esier to get ter
anyway so aftr that went back home
and i tell you i slept ALL THE WAY TILL 8!
i and came back lyk bout 5++
but gt study lahh
i nt tt slack(:
okay off to read ppls blog

♥Monday, August 3, 2009
im so freaking tired right now.
talked to tessa till lyk 12++am.
hehe i was watching bof at th same tym
so i wasent really listening to what she was saying .
then she was lyk SHAK!
anyway were talking bout
_____ and ______
_____ .
gawsh..haha. i know we gossip much yea?
anyways , just a happy b'day to marsya and alisha .
ok , so today _____ really pissed me off.
he damn irritating sia!
go drink frmm my bottle
keep taking my stuff.
he got a freaking prob isit?>
shyt him mann!
go far far away and don't EVER come back!
hate you to th core.
ten say alisha _____
im being kind not to say your name kay?
so jus get lost luhh.
if ou still dunno tt im refering to you ten
your seper freaking dumb
get the hell away frm my life kay!
jus go do your shity things smewhre else!!
okay, wana sleep
im SUPER tired.
will blog l8r

♥Sunday, August 2, 2009
im still in bad mood cos of someone right now.
she just really pissed me off on thursday.
and im sure shes gonna do so on manday
really really really damn pissed.
so currently sms-ing RACHEL and ALY
aly ask me go bugis on tuesday b4 rgs interview.
i wanna go i wanna go.
parents pls allow!!
i v.long nvr go out le.
so im still bored right now cos no ones on9
oso nt gonna msg too much right now
trying to cut down on bills.
so far just sent 25 msg in 3 days.
not bad not bad,
i seriously miss netball days!
now PSLE 's near n tutions here and there
seriously hav no time.
i so dint want this period of tym to come
but what can do?
jus sit down and wait fr it to be over?
thats nt possible in my life.
at least nt in this one.
HAF to study..its lyk
FINALLY im laughing cos rachel told me sth DAMN FUNNY!
ily lotts luhh!
mann, amanda havent wish me gluk yet.
she always does tt every tym i go fr a trial
or exam or interview
lyk this cmg tuesday.
y? cos she is i LOVEDDDD friend n i do th same to her.
but i think that even if i dint
she will stil do th same
seriously ..LOVE her
you know when we wok hme togede
she will send me up th bridge n to my hse??!!
even when her bus-stop
is b4 the bridge.!!
who will do tt sehhh!!
ily ily<3
okay okay
not so much commenting
you oso gt call me cb b4:D
but tts bcos i called u f.
and we were JK!!!:D
unlike som ppls.
jus coll tem syupid n tey start 'crying'
okay thats it
im watching america's got talent:D

Welcome to My blog.
Yeah,this is url.blogspot.com,do not mess with me,because i hate it.
I am in love with all my beloved friends,& if you would try to steal,you will get it.
Try testing my patience,if you dare.
Let me tell you first,i will make you become sorry.
Leave a tag at the tagboard,kindly Click Here or Press Alt F4 if you hate me.

That Chiobu.
Hello i am ______
Currenly studing in Blahblah Primary school.
All About you.

Those lies.
Beloved ones.
My gfiends.
michael jackson.

to meet _______
fly around the world .
loose weight !
got good results

That Spinning Music

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

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