Oh,shut up. Url.blogspot.com
♥Monday, November 30, 2009
whats considered good ?
getting t th best school in th country ? just being able t pass you exams ? being number one in the world for sports ? getting a PHD ?
well , i guess its different for everybody . but whats GOOD ofr me ? i dont even know it myself ..
everybody's saying not bad, not bad. its good what !
but whats th real truth ?
seriously man , can you guys just be honest and not sarcastic !
its getting on my nerves .

♥Sunday, November 29, 2009
this is a damn short post cos this just had to be said
i hbelieve the word studying , is derived from students dying (:

♥Saturday, November 28, 2009
hey !
today was super super fun !
seriously . okay , first had t go for training .
do alot of core training . my stomach muscles ached freaking much after that .
then , afew drills . then we had this circuit thing .
first played street netball . ps , all th players there were tall EXEPT ME !
and charmaine . hahahaha(:
anyways , after that , we need t go do core . but it wasent that tiring so nt so painful .
then u go jumpyjumpy !!
got this trampaline and your supposed t jump on it continuesly for 1 min (:
freaking fun !!!
so i did it a second time , and a third time . and a fourth time (;
then , l8r after training went t have lunch w/ rachel and amanda .
rachel was using her ipod and fluanting it th whole time .
and she wore a ... erm ..ask amanda (: hehe.
and i was laughing th whole time abt it .
so , we went t just asia . this restaurant @ downtown east
th food there wwas freaking nice , ! but amanda's one was nice .
should have ordered her instead of rachel's . but there was free flow of coke and ice cream . so wth yea ?
and we made a COKE FLOAT w/ th free ice cream and drink .
(: super nice . haha . then went back t tm
ps , we took 1h30min t eat !!!!
then went BHG go try clothes . haha ,
but then , i had t go home ):
but so did rachel and amanda so yea.
went home around 3 ++.

♥Friday, November 27, 2009
hey !
wont post much cos currently chatting w/ SEAKIM ! (:
so tomorrow maybe will be going lunch w/ rachel and amanda after training .
hopefully can , cos nxt year wun be seing them too often after this year ):
im gonna miss you guys super much. and more than 3 times a year okay rachel !!!
if not i kill you/
im gonna miss my juniors too .
missing you guys alot alot alot alot !
okay , i gtg now cos eating dinner . so ,

♥Thursday, November 26, 2009
hey guys !
PSLE results are out today. well i dint do as well as expected. amanda rachel and tessa did . well , alot of people were kinda concerned . mostly cousins . aunty , uncle , close friends. even some of my classmated when i was in PAP called also . well the school did well overall . all above national (: so im just gonna post my grades . all A exep for science ... B / so , i think ill be going t SHSS although si tessa is freaking ask me to appeal or she's gonna come knocking on my door early in th morning .__________.

so anyway , went out for after collecting results , then went t buy a laptop (: yay , and its MINE ! be jealous people (: haha just jk(:
so , im gonna watch videos now . (dont think sick)


♥Wednesday, November 25, 2009
hey you guys !
im blogging more frequently now , so you can look forward t more updates (:
anyways , today morning , went t macs w/ mum and dad . ate th hotcakes there for th FIRST time ..
shocking , i know . i usually eat the sausage mc muffin but dont know what made me change
my choice today . i guesse i just got tired of eating it whenever i go t macs for breakfast.
anyways , after that , i waited for tessa at macs for 1h ! go die lar ! still wana wash and dry your hair ! (:
anyways , she came SOOMER OR LATER . then after awhile , when my SUPER BIG breakfast
digested , ate mcwings at macs again ! you tell me ... sian or not?
then while eating , saw renny passing by w/ her bro and i think her bro's friend . haha(:
so after eating , me and tessa got super bored , so decided to do th stupidest thing ever .
we went interchange and took 293 all th way around and back t th interchange ! ha!
act , we wanted t go for another round but chin yee called and said that she reached alr.
so then , went to century square meet fadzlyn aerina and kaiting t watch movie .
watched this korean movie 'my girlfriend's an agent'
super funny like crazaeeeeeeyyyyy man !
th whole theatre was practically lol-ing like crazy !
hahahahahahahaha ! but it had a few parts that were )$^(@*%@
hehe(: anyway , after that went t rooftop of t1 play pepsi cola (: damn funny .
haha, but the fun ended after that cos everyone had t go home. so yea):

so tomorrow going t collect results alr !!!
freaking out here.



♥Tuesday, November 24, 2009
i know i know , i havent been blogging for a damn long time.
okay , so. this post is just gonna be a dedication t ALL my BFF'S ! (:
ill update you guys on whats going on lately in another post(:
so , here goes out to all my bff's (:

firstly , t all my dearest netballers(:

hey guys ,
3 years. 3 years of being together and now we're all going our separate ways. i still remember our last game we played together as shps netball senior team 2009. i'll still rmb every minute of it. maybe one of these days during th hols , we can all regroup together again. so, thursday is coming. results are also coming out. gluk t all you guys(: im gonna miss all of you sooooooo much(: and lastly , no matter what , DO NOT FORGET THAT YOUR AN SHPS NETBALLER ! (:
ps , dun forget me too(: haha jkjk(: ily you guys(:

alisha , siewling , renny , jolene , nicole , johanna , sabrina , sharifah , taninette , nora :
tyty alot for just making me laugh all the time. haha , gonna miss you guys alot too. and , alisha , renny , taninette , ty for being retarded al th time(: really makes me laugh like crazy. and jolene nicole , johanna and siewling , th whole time after psle would be SUPER boring if not for you guys(: ps , the way you guys play stress is super funny(: haha. and nora , sharifah and sabrina, know you guys for the whole 6YEARS i was in st.hilda's (: you guys have been super nice th whole time. wish, we would go to th same secondary school(:

nadya ,
ty for all those talks in the night(: talking bout almost everything. especially err...th two J's (: hehe. gonna miss you super much. but we can still have those late night talks right ? hehe , hopefully we will(:

okay , so those are all i have t say t all my BFFL's (:

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That Chiobu.
Hello i am ______
Currenly studing in Blahblah Primary school.
All About you.

Those lies.
Beloved ones.
My gfiends.
michael jackson.

to meet _______
fly around the world .
loose weight !
got good results

That Spinning Music

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March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009

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